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Recessed Lighting in Anne Arundel County, MD

All Spark Electric enhances property appearance and functionality by installing recessed lighting in Anne Arundel County, MD homes and businesses. We are a fully trained and licensed team providing repairs, maintenance, and replacements for electrical systems daily. If you want eye-catching new lighting, we’ll provide it with unmatched expertise. We care for customers using our advanced skills, years of experience, and professional guidance. We are available for routine and 24/7 emergency services to keep your property comfortable and beautiful.

recessed lighting

How Is Recessed Lighting Installed?

Recessed lighting is also known as canless lighting or down lighting. It comprises a fixture applied inside a hollow ceiling or wall opening. This lighting style is intended to project downwards and focus on a specific area or object. Its three main components include the housing, trim, and lamp. They are often seen in stores and shined on specific products and services, and homeowners often use them to showcase gallery walls and essential features. They can also be installed in-ground, with the light projecting upwards.

Four Primary Benefits of Recessed Lighting

Downlighting is increasingly popular among home and business owners. From saving space to meeting the aesthetic needs of modern properties, they can boost the function and appearance of any property. It will provide you with the following benefits:

Energy Efficiency

Recessed lights use energy-efficient LED bulbs that reduce costs and waste.


It can be installed in any room or space, including kitchens, living rooms, and outdoors.

Sleek Design

Recessed lights have a modern look and provide clean, streamlined lighting.

Compact Size

The recessed installation saves space and allows you to maximize your ceilings, floors, and walls.

How Much Does Recessed Lighting Cost?

Your costs will depend on your property’s size, where you want your lights installed, and how many lights you need. Downlighting requires switch work that usually incurs a higher cost. A single light usually costs a little over $100, increasing with the number of bulbs and installations requested. Our team will arrive at your property to meet you face-to-face and evaluate your property. We can provide a fair, honest estimate detailing your project requirements. We’ll gladly guide you through the process and ensure you receive the perfect lighting for you.

Contact Us for an Estimate Today